Saturday, November 14, 2009

I can barely shoulder hurts so bad! I have been wanting to get on here so much lately but it hurts to type by the end of the day because I am constantly using my damn shoulder to count money and type and so on all day so by the end of the day it's shot to hell and in intense pain.....UUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHH! I went to the doctor but the fucking whore rolled her eyes at me for suggesting that I might have damage caused by a medication!! I was SO SO SO SO SO angry when I left there! The X-rays came back negative which is a good thing but now I must wait until the arthritis bloodwork comes in to know whether or not I have it and if not then I must proceed to a specialist I guess? I dunno we just switched to Bryan's insurance so that I would be covered if I ever decided or heaven forbid HAVE to leave Wells...also it's cheaper! I think I will wait till January to try to pursue this more...if I can handle the pain for that long :(

So mom is having the surgery this week and I am pretty nervous but ok~ She is doing great!! She's a very strong woman but I wonder how much of that is a front and how much of it is real...don't get me helps for her to be that way but I wonder what emotions will come after surgery?? That is why I planned on being at the hospital the whole week because you never know if she will be depressed or scared or whatever and I think it will help to have some support there....if for nothing else I can tell her a funny story to make her laugh! Hope she doesn't bust a stitch! LOL 

So much to say but the pain is unbearable right now....

Here's to hoping!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

today was's my favorite holiday and I didn't feel like doing a darn thing! There is also the issue of my shoulder getting progressively worse! Today I was trying to figure out how to count money with my left hand because my right shoulder felt like it had a knife in it :( Then the strangest thing happened that a customer was telling me about how he got a settlement out of suing a prescription drug company because he had to take it after his surgery and it left his leg messed up and it just so happens that I took the same drug after mine and now have an unexplainable shoulder injury along with pain on the back of my leg behind my knee.....coincidence? Maybe...but it's worth looking in to right? He didn't know I was in pain or even that I had surgery...he was just talking about his own situation and I just find it interesting that I may have needed to hear that at that very time in order to know what is going on with myself! Who may not be linked at all but I atleast need to look into it!  It hurts to type and it hurts to raise my arms and it hurts to do anything! :( I can't even blow dry my hair at this point....THIS SUCKS! Maybe tomorrow will be a better day....

here's to hoping! :)

Friday, October 30, 2009


Ok today my shoulder has been killing me!! I soooooooooooooooooo don't want to go to the doctor and get all that checked out because I'm sure they are prob gonna want me to get some sort of X-ray done and I just hate getting tests done!! this point though the pain is really getting bad and I have to count out money to people all day with that arm/shoulder! I guess I'm just gonna see if it goes away on it's own.....FAT CHANCE with my luck! 

Also...had kind of a bad anxiety day today. I feel like I'm on the verge of a major panic attack which I HATE! I'm about to go to bed early and hope that I wake up tomorrow much calmer! :)

Here's to Hoping!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

new to this

Well here we go! Yet another thing to keep me from doing housework or something productive! LOL... It has been a long time since I have blogged....I used to have a livejournal account and that is where I met Bryan. Since we have been together I stopped journaling and I'm not sure is the time for me to start back because I have alot of changes going on and no outlet to sort through them.

Here's to hoping... :)