Tuesday, October 27, 2009

new to this

Well here we go! Yet another thing to keep me from doing housework or something productive! LOL... It has been a long time since I have blogged....I used to have a livejournal account and that is where I met Bryan. Since we have been together I stopped journaling and I'm not sure why..now is the time for me to start back because I have alot of changes going on and no outlet to sort through them.

Here's to hoping... :)


  1. Cindy's a Follower of MARY! :)October 27, 2009 at 7:18 AM

    Hey Mary! This is the perfect thing to do! :) Blogging. I love the title of your blog site..that's awesome. I will make sure i follow your blogs on here. I love you Mary and no words can express how happy and proud of You and Bryan. You are a wonderful daughter-in-law (i don't like that word "in-law") LOL!...anyway just wanted to stop by and show my support for you. Thank you for inspiring me by your strength and courage that you have. I'm here for you sweetie through your journey....God is so good to us, yes? Be Back Soon to read more....Love you very much!! Love, **Cindy**

  2. thank you Cindy! Love you!!
